Child Support ethical superiority. excellent results.

Miami Child Support Attorneys

Child Support in Florida is based on child support guidelines.  The guidelines have three primary elements: the actual or imputed income of each party and the amount of overnight timesharing by each parent with the children. In addition, there are often extraordinary expenses that are allocated between the parties in a divorce such as private school, tutoring, health expenses and the like.

In some cases, the child support guidelines are not appropriate to meet the needs of the children or may exceed the reasonable needs of the children.  Under those circumstances, a party may ask the Court to deviate from the child support guidelines.

Professional athletes and other high net-worth clients often request the court to deviate from the guidelines and ask the court to reduce the child support to meet the reasonable needs of the children not to provide excess funds as a windfall to the other parent.

Leinoff & Lemos can help you identify the relevant issues in determining an appropriate amount of child support.

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